Monday, August 9, 2010

Who Gonna Check Me Boo

Yesterday I was on Twitter (my daily addiction) and a tweet from a comedian popped up in my time line.  He was commenting on women and relationships, so of course you know I was all ears (or eyes in this case).  But as I continued to follow his tweets I became concerned and then eventually tick-the-hell-off!  This guy (who will remain nameless) spent an entire hour blaming women for dysfunctional relationships and breakups.  Not once did he ever mention that sometimes men have serious issues too, like still in love with their ex or mad beyond belief at their baby mama.  He neglected to talk about the men who bring crap from previous relationships into their new ones and how the current girlfriend doesn't stand a chance in hell from day one.  I was furious and so I responded to one of his little tweets voicing my concern.  Well of course he didn't have anything to say and continued on his rant about disgruntle women and pity parties. 

In my book Who Does She Think She Is? I talk about the effects of interpersonal trauma (such as being dumped by a partner, cheated on in a relationship, abandoned by a parent in childhood, emotional abuse, or the traumatic death of a loved one) and how can the impact can interfere with how people develop and maintain future relationships when left unresolved.  After an hour Mr. Comedian was still on a roll about women and how we need to fix ourselves and stop having such high standards when it comes to dating and finding true love.  At this point I was ready to throw up!  Was he serious?  Unfortunately, yes he was.  Tired of him and the nonsense that he was sending out, it was time to check homeboy.  My last and final tweet before I un-followed him was this; "Before people start point fingers & telling others what's wrong with them, find out what's wrong with you first and fix it!"