Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It Girl

It seems just like yesterday when I was flat broke and loyal family and friends were like diamonds, rare and hard to find. But as my future brighten, and my career as a writer and motivational speaker began to take off, I've noticed that I am suddenly popular with the in crowd. My phone is ringing off of the hook, and text messages and emails are flooding in daily. Now it's "cool" to hang out with CJ because she is the new "it" girl in town.

But when I decline their fabulous party invitations, flirtatious advances and friends forever suggestions I'm suddenly snobbish, stuck up or worst... I don't want to socialize with the "who's, who," because not too long ago they were they same people who wouldn't be caught dead acknowledging me in public because I wasn't rocking Gucci, Prada or Christian Louboutin. I'm sorry that I'm not moved to be a part of the "in" crowd, sitting around and bashing people because they are doing something positive with their lives and talents. I just don't care to socialize with back stabbers, you know, the ones who smile in your face, but all their trying to do is take your place.
It has taken me years to understand, but I am finally beginning to realize why people like Michael Jackson isolated themselves from the rest of the world, living in a bubble, or moved to another country all together. It's easier to run than to stand up and deal with the fake, wanna be's, who at the end of the day are really waiting for you to fall flat on your face so they can have something else to gossip about. Well I ain't moving to Never Land or Paris and I enjoy life too much to live in a damn bubble. But what I can do is follow my heart and stick with the real gems in my life, people who love me regardless to how much money I have, what I'm wearing, or where I live and don't mind hopping on the city bus if my limo breaks down. I apologize in advance, but I'm sharing my red carpet, show stopping moment with the people who really matter in my life... you already know who you are :)