Sunday, June 20, 2010

Do The Right Thing

This year my oldest son asked if I would take him to the store to purchase his dad a card for Father's Day. I had to stop and take a deep breath before I rolled my eyes and said "Hell No!" You see, when my ex and I were first separated my sons had made this same request of their father for Mother's Day and then again for my birthday. Each time they were greeted with "I'm not taking you to the store to buy that woman anything!" Yes, this was the explanation that my children gave me that first year of why they didn't have a gift for me. In the years to follow my children never asked me to take them shopping for their dad. I guess they thought my response would be the same. Instead, his gifts were either created at school or they didn't even bother. So this year I was especially proud of my son for wanting to purchase something and unlike his father, I decided to take the high road and drive him to the store.

When we entered Walmart, I thought it was best if I gave him his space and allowed him to select a card on his own. But when I returned to check on him, he had the most confused look on his face. Suddenly I was faced with the task of helping him to pick out a card for his dad! Now I know what you're saying, 'sista girlfriend, that's when I draw the line,' and I almost did. But I remembered that my son was only 12 and he was trying to do the right thing. So I shrugged my shoulders and together we picked out a simple Hallmark card that said it all for his dad.

The moral of the story is this...Yes, some of us single mama's do it ALL and we know that some of these dad's don't deserve a hello, let alone a card. But at times like this we have to remember that it isn't about what we think, it's about our kids and setting a good example. Biting that bullet was painless and it only cost me $5.00 (No, he didn't have enough money for the card). My reward is that I set a priceless example for my children.

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