Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Just Do It

As the school year begins to kick into high gear we'll find ourselves running back and forth between PTA meetings, teacher conferences, a ton of kiddie birthday parties, practice for whatever sport our babies have signed up for in addition to all of the other duties that we single mama's are committed to doing for our children. This isn't a star studded job and the perks are sometimes few and far in between. There are no awards or rewards for making it happen. But we just do it. Even if that means running on auto pilot from time to time.

Last week I had the pleasure of attending open house for my youngest son. And honestly, I don't know where I found the energy to even get into the car, let alone climb the stairs with a smile plastered on my face to greet his bubbly new teacher. But you know us super moms.... As I folded myself into his tiny seat, I decided to peak inside of his desk where I discovered his journal. As I flipped through the pages I ran across one entry that made my heart skip a beat and brought tears to my eyes. The topic for that day was to write about 'the most important thing in your life' and in his 3rd grade way he talked about me, his mama. He praised me for the little things that I do like preparing cinnamon rolls for breakfast and having a snack waiting for him when he jumps in the car after school. I wipped the corners of my eyes as I continued to read about the most important thing in the world to him, me. I could see him smiling as he wrote about how I allow him and his brother to crawl into the bed with me in the middle of the night after they've both had a bad dream. He spoke of the many stray pets that I've allowed him to keep over the years and how, after preparing dinner, I will help him with his homework and at the end of his day, I'll kiss him good night. I smiled through the tears that were streaming down my face. My baby could have written about anything...sports, cartoons or his favorite video game. But instead he wrote about me and all of the things that I do for him every day. Things that I thought he and his brother took for granted because I was simply their mama and that was a part of my job description.

As I closed his journal I reflected on how God has worked in my life during the past few years. How bless I am to have such wonderful children who don't ask for much, but get more than enough in return because I care. When I walked into that classroom I was tired and feeling very unappreciated, but the simple words of an innocent eight year old reminded me why I do what I do. It's not for a six-figure salary or a company office with a lake front view. It's not for the diamonds and furs or a mansion on the hill. No, I do it and all mothers do it for LOVE.

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